We just wanted to re-live our youth.
That's why seven women (and one male "superfan") loaded into a red mini-van and a Ford Focus and drove for an hour to see POISON in concert at the Douglas County Fair. If a van full of thirty-something women with kids and pets and mortgages are not what Brett Michaels and his band were expecting when they decided to form a rock band 20 some years ago, then they should have given it a little more thought.
I drove the "party van." I won't elaborate much, except to say there were some mildly illegal activities going on in the back seat, and despite all knowledge and experience to the contrary, people actually took pictures of themselves engaging in said activities. I mean, come on. Don't you people watch the evening news????
So, we got to the concert, and I was struck immediately by the fact that each and every one of us had to run to the bathroom. This was no coincidence. I remember when I was young, and had the bladder elasticity of a 16 year old. Not anymore. We all made a beeline for the restrooms, and continued to do so for the rest of the night. I don't remember one time when we were all together unless it was in the bathroom line.
And then, the band came out. And we were all transported back to a time when big hair, makeup and skin-tight clothes were not just worn by the female fans of the band, but by the band members as well. Brett Michaels still knows how to shake it. The band can still crank out the party songs like it was yesterday. But I did have that feeling that they probably headed back to the tour bus to pop some Tylenol PM and get Ben-Gay rubdowns by the Rock of Love girls.
I made one purchase that night. The t-shirts were too expensive, and I don't wear t-shirts anyway. So, I went for the POISON g-string. At $20, it was the most expensive piece of elastic I have ever purchased.
Thanks for the memories, POISON. I'll be a fan forever. Not just because of the way your music makes me feel like a teenager again, but because it also got 7 thirty-something women (and one "superfan") with kids and mortgages and bladder control issues to get in a van, and pretend they were kids again, for one night at least.
That's why seven women (and one male "superfan") loaded into a red mini-van and a Ford Focus and drove for an hour to see POISON in concert at the Douglas County Fair. If a van full of thirty-something women with kids and pets and mortgages are not what Brett Michaels and his band were expecting when they decided to form a rock band 20 some years ago, then they should have given it a little more thought.
I drove the "party van." I won't elaborate much, except to say there were some mildly illegal activities going on in the back seat, and despite all knowledge and experience to the contrary, people actually took pictures of themselves engaging in said activities. I mean, come on. Don't you people watch the evening news????
So, we got to the concert, and I was struck immediately by the fact that each and every one of us had to run to the bathroom. This was no coincidence. I remember when I was young, and had the bladder elasticity of a 16 year old. Not anymore. We all made a beeline for the restrooms, and continued to do so for the rest of the night. I don't remember one time when we were all together unless it was in the bathroom line.
And then, the band came out. And we were all transported back to a time when big hair, makeup and skin-tight clothes were not just worn by the female fans of the band, but by the band members as well. Brett Michaels still knows how to shake it. The band can still crank out the party songs like it was yesterday. But I did have that feeling that they probably headed back to the tour bus to pop some Tylenol PM and get Ben-Gay rubdowns by the Rock of Love girls.
I made one purchase that night. The t-shirts were too expensive, and I don't wear t-shirts anyway. So, I went for the POISON g-string. At $20, it was the most expensive piece of elastic I have ever purchased.
Thanks for the memories, POISON. I'll be a fan forever. Not just because of the way your music makes me feel like a teenager again, but because it also got 7 thirty-something women (and one "superfan") with kids and mortgages and bladder control issues to get in a van, and pretend they were kids again, for one night at least.
POISON g-string. Awesome!
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